Parts for the

Jeep T150 Transmission

The Jeep T150 is one of the strongest three-speeds ever installed into Jeeps, and if its due for a rebuild it may well be worth the work.

The Rebuild Kit

T150 Transmission Rebuild Kit


The Novak master rebuild kit comes with all the parts commonly used in a master rebuild, including all consumable components such as bearings, thrust washer, syncrhonizer rings, snap rings, gaskets, seals, poppets and pins. The Novak Guide to Rebuilding the Jeep T150 is included.

Note that Novak supplies specially machined bronze plain bearings to substitute for the needle roller bearings that are frequently 0.0005" out of specification, creating a tight rolling or biding situtation cluster gear on the pin. This is a precise, long wearing solution exclusively for Novak customers.

Install these by drifting them into your cluster gear end bores.

Rebuild Requirements

It is very common for our customers to do top-level rebuild work, using good methods and by following our included instruction guide.

We suggest the rebuilder have access to a set of snap ring pliers, a bearing puller and a small press.

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