Many customers contact us after finding one of any of the 12 different T18's found in Jeeps, thinking they've stumbled across the holy grail. Adapting them to GM engines (and others) can be difficult and
expensive. By the time many of them are done, they probably wish they'd chosen the Ford version T18 and instead, adapted it to the Jeep transfer case.
However, the Jeep T18's listed below have affordable and well charted methods to being converted.
The rest of the Jeep T18's require a combination of input shaft changes, adapters, custom machine work and the like. E-mail us the input shaft length and input gear ratio of your particular version for conversion info and we'll see if there is a good solution avaialable.
Adapting Jeep J-series Trucks and FSJ T18's from 1972 to 1979, for I6 motors only.